
Ever since my schooldays I have always liked making things in wood. When I grew up (some may say I still haven’t ) I often made wooden toys for my children but never thought of it as anything more than an enjoyable hobby. Then, about 8 years ago, when retirement was beginning to peep over the horizon, I decided to turn ( pun intended ) this hobby into something more than just that and took up wood turning. I retired from my career with the BBC World Service at the end of 2008 and now try to dedicate as much time as possible to this new direction in my life.

I love the look and feel of wood and never fail to be amazed at the fantastic patterns that appear as layers are peeled away by the turning tools. Like many turners, I feel the wood can talk to you, giving you inspiration and guiding you to the final form.

The items I make tend to be one-offs but I would be happy to make similar ones on request. They will not be exactly the same: that is the beauty of working with wood. Each different piece has its own personality.

Thank you for visiting my website. I hope you enjoy looking at my work. Please feel free to contact me with any questions/orders etc. Prices quoted exclude postage and packing, the cost of which will be given when orders are placed.